Monday, November 12, 2007

Taking Breaks

This is the first post on my blog. Posts will be leaning towards the professional side of my life even though my professional and personal sides are intertwined. My goal is to explore and unveil a train of thought regarding my days of creative expendentures, the breakthroughs and the occasional deep thoughts. If there are those who care to sift through it great, but I am starting off doing this to just get it all out. I used to write a lot more than I do now. I miss that. My life has become way too busy for the pen and paper.
Starting with today. I woke up late on a half put together ikea platform bed I bought yesterday on my way home from giving a presentation to about 150 people at a Macys store. Shopping exhausted is never a good idea. I was hired to promote the Martha Stewart product line as a now independent entity but former long term employee of her company. This was the 2nd presentation on the same topic. Basically my role was to inform and inspire the prospective costumers by personally introducing them to the product, how to use it, decorating ideas, etc. I am not an actor nor a salesman by trade but perhaps I was asked because I have passion and thats something every good salesman or actor needs to convey. I love what I do. The lovely group of 250 ladies in Florida could see that, but the group in Connecticut seemed more reserved. Nonetheless I spotted many of them after the presentation going through the isles with their arms full.
I woke up late because I am finally able. I have been on too many planes and far away places lately. Sometimes back to back. My tallied work days 175 since march, woe is me. Full time freelance. Traveling all over this country and Canada to create stories for magazines, signage for stores, catalogs, ad campaigns, etc. A dream job. I get a daily dose of doling beauty, day after day. Its so much more about creatively solving problems than anything else and thats something inherent in me, I like to solve problems. My inspiration cannot be pointed towards anyone or any one thing, its more cerebral and based on common sense. Certain little mantras like "would you ever?" helps me to avoid cliches and arbitrary gestures, unless otherwise appropriate. My motivation isnt money as most would make it, its really about taking advantage of the constant flow of opportunity to create, although never saying no has its down side. Getting paid is a fantastic perk to an artist. Not that I would do it for nothing anymore, Ive earned my place here in the sun.
What enables me to keep this all a flow is my incredible friend and assistant. Shes never let me down. She is looking to move on, to which I should be raising my glass but in truth I am sad. Not that I will crumble or be able find someone else. Its that I am truly grateful for all shes done to help me grow and achieve the last 2 years and wish there was a way for her to hang in there long enough to have it pay off for her as it does for me. I cannot make this her passion, no matter how long this run will go. I will miss her. It scares me a little to feel alone. It always has.
There are many things going through my mind tonight. This is exactly why I sat down to write. I have piles upon piles of sorting, lists of things to do. Who doesnt? But I needed to take a break, a break from the routine of thought and vices that capture my mind and inhibit not only the progress I could be making during this precious me time, but the freedom of mind.
Thats one of those occasional deep thoughts. But then again its common sense.

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